Project Details

In this unit, students will actively and intellectually participate in a local movement to promote food sustainability and conscious consumerism.  Students will explore the possibilities of ethical capitalism while researching, designing, and building garden boxes to be sold at a local community event.  

The purpose of this inquiry is to encourage learning in multiple ways. They are:
  • Designing, organizing, and constructing a tangible artifact
  • Actively participate in the aspects of marketing a product
  • Investigate larger issues that relate to consumerism and quality of life, and engage in an attitude that promotes positive, alternative consumer choices.  

Guiding Question
What role should ethical decision-making play in our consumer practices?

When it’s done
Student groups will have completed the following:
  1. A marketing plan
  2. A design of their garden box
  3. An information display relating to consumer choices, sustainability, and/or issues that they have chosen to explore on the topic
  4. A garden box to be sold
  5. A group blog that has documented the process using photographs, blueprints, and narratives.  
Learning Diversification
In this inquiry, students who need more time/support/resources to complete this task will be accommodated. Additionally, there will be one-on-one time available during class time for students who may be struggling with the task or lessons. The need for learning diversification will be consistently evaluated throughout the project.