Make sure to have your daily reports completed and posted BEFORE the end of class!
Make sure to include some details of what you accomplished today. We should see something from the core group AND something from the marketers.
Today, we will continue from where we left off on Thursday. Certain groups will be building while others are continuing to work on researching, and consolidating their research on, their issues.
Most of you are still working on Step 3 from this document, Research. If you are feeling done with Step 3, move onto Step 4 & 5.
9.4 Marketers:
You MUST finalize your marketing ideas so we can pass them on to 9.3! We will meet first thing this class, and you will probably be out of your core groups for most of the class. You need to accomplish at least:
- details on the look of our campaign (exact colours, fonts, logo/mascot, etc.)
- exactly what each core group must produce for the event on May 6
- template(s) for core groups to use to start filling in their research; consider the templates in pages as guides
9.3 Marketers:
Check the marketing doc for the information from the 9.4 marketers. Then, start working on the following:
- Spectrum article (1-3)
- posters for printing and posting around town
- digital poster for sending out to our school community via email/posting on Edmodo, etc.